

Trade CFDs on hundreds of barrels of oil or pounds of gold with investments from 100 USD
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Popular futures

CFDs on futures are a popular instrument that allows you to make deals on the increase and decrease in the value of contracts of various assets that have a specific expiration date (expiration).

Online charts

Use the main traders’ tool – technical analysys on the chart of a financial instrument

Choose your platform

CBM Group clients can trade on accounts with competitive conditions from any device convenient for them. Choose a trading platfrom that suits your needs and trade with a high-speed order execution.
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What are futures?

Futures are financial contracts between a buyer and a seller to buy or sell an asset at an agreed price on a specified date in the future. The price approved by both parties is called the forward price, and the specific date of payment is called the delivery / expiration date.
Futures allow you to get financial results by opening deals on price fluctuations of a wide range of instruments: from wheat to American indices. For example, if an investor believes that the value of a particular instrument will increase, he or she buys futures contracts when the price falls, in order to sell them later when the value of the asset rises.

Trade cfd on futures

On a number of world indices, agricultural goods and energy resources
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